April 1, 2022
LinkedIn rolled out the feature of articles last year, which allows us to publish long content along with links. The newsletter is an addition to this feature. Newsletters initially a form of e-mail marketing are now being modernized by LinkedIn through this special feature.
The main objective of the feature has been to increase the engagement of the followers. LinkedIn also offers subscription to the series of recurring articles and once the newsletter is published it will notify the followers. If you liked the article and want to keep yourself updated on the series, you can also subscribe by giving your email or also subscribe via in-platform notification.
How to create LinkedIn Newsletters?
Click on the article option on your page, where you can see you create a newsletter option too.
Once you publish the newsletter, it will be updated in the feed as well as it will be notified to your followers.
You can also analyze the engagement in the post.
Thus, this unique feature in LinkedIn allows us to share the content with targeted audience than random data sharing. Serialized content will keep the audience hooked to the whats next in series and hence increasing the engagement.
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