January 25, 2022
Like any other field, digital marketing is also consisting of many myths that are strongly believed and followed. Following such misconceptions can largely affect our preparation of digital marketing strategies and executing them.
1.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a dead concept. While it is s tempting statement for the most experienced digital marketing professionals out there to believe it, it is not actually true. Yes, SEO takes time and effort. But it focuses on providing quality content to the users, which eventually builds trust among the consumers and ensuring continuous traffic to our website eventually.
2. Time spent by users on website can be overlooked. As simple a concept as it is, just focusing on metrics and goals is not enough. Time spent by the users and sessions clearly define how our users are perceiving our content. More relatable the content, more time spent.
3.Social media can be platform for criticism. True that people can speak anything and everything in social media platforms, without a break. Many influencers and prominent brands have been have come under unnecessary public scrutiny and cyber bullying. But looking on the brighter side, social media form the face of a company. They provide a better platform for customer feedback, concern addressing. It is form of building trust with the consumers.
4. Mobile optimization is not necessary. This will be the last mistake any experience digital marketer will do. Our phones are getting smarter every day. Mobile phones are one medium through which even the commoners get the needed information from. So, making our webpages mobile friendly is equally important. This is one of the ranking factors put forward by Google.
5. Designing website is enough. While a super cool designed website can be of great importance to a business, it is not enough for digital marketing. We have to constantly update the content based on consumer needs optimized with the keywords and trends for better user experience.
6. Digital marketing is a technical concept. No,not at all. We can say it’s a fusion of technical and marketing skills. While saying of technical we are not talking about complex coding and rigorous marketing skills, but having a basic knowledge is always good, but not necessary.
7.Digital marketing is for big companies. Big companies can employ digital marketing services, but it is the startups that need it the most. They help develop and spread the word, through carefully curated strategies at affordable rates, compared to traditional marketing.
8. Digital Marketing is a miracle worker. Last but not the least, this is the famous misconception. Businesses doing digital marketing need result within a week or month, which is actually impossible to achieve. It is s continuous process of analyzing, updating and strategically planning to achieve more from less.
Digital marketing an create wonders, but as they say Rome was not built in a day, it takes effort time and careful planning. They help to build a brand and use even the criticisms to success.
We bring pride and passion to every project that we undertake, with a professional team of developers.