March 14, 2022
Twitter is now a famous platform where anyone and everyone can tweet their feelings, views and much more. People tend to interact with the tweets, as they feel like. If they agree with something, they will accept it or else they will backlash the account holder in tweets. Now that’s freedom of speech, right? We have a social media account, and that’s now our license to exhibit our freedom of speech without brakes. But for marketer's twitter is a platform with unlimited potential. If we can tap on to that unlimited audience, like any other brand we can establish our community among the relatable audience.
Tweet frequently: Like any other exercise, we should do that frequently to become a habit similarly in social media platforms also should be engaged and posted continuously. Try different content, post more of informative content and giveaway free knowledge. Try engagement and tagging.
Post visual content: Twitter is not a blogging platform, where you can write tons of paragraph. It is platform where people want to relate to visually. So, posting visual content like photos, videos etc are said to be more engaging and relatable.
Engagement: Engage with retweets, comments not just on the posts that we post, but also on our followers posts our following accounts posts. Engaging is an important tool that helps to let people know more about our account.
Be true to your niche: Engage, comment, retweet the tweets that are useful, informative and relatable to your niche. It helps to establish a personal connection with the similar accounts and hence the mutual growth.
Twitter chats: Twitter chats are a great way to engage with the followers of other accounts and let other know more about our niche and increasing the trustworthiness on our brand
Hashtags: Use the relevant hashtags, and optimize them for twitter. You can find the trending topics on #explore tab o the left handside.
How to join a twitter community?
To join twitter community, you must be invited by the community moderator or any member of the community. Once they have become member, they will get five more invites to invite more people into the community. Some communities also have open membership, where you can join without any invite.
Follow these simple steps for the best twitter practices.
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